Jumat, 01 Januari 2010


Balai Pustaka class name given to the author - the author of works of literature that emerged in the 1920s. In that year Balai Pustaka Publisher published a book - books by authors who shaped literary Indonesia Indonesia. The author who was writing literary Indonesia are as follows:
1. Merari Siregar
2. Marah Rusli
3. Abdul Muis
4. M. Kasim
5. Nur Sutan Iskandar

Most of the work of the author - the author of the above was published by Balai Pustaka Publisher. That is why, work - their work is called the Force Balai Pustaka. They called Force Balai Pustaka.


New poet force Name given to the author - the author of works of literature that emerged in tandem with the publication of the New Doctor magazine. Author - the author of the contemporary poet with a new magazine are as follows:
1. Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana
2. Amir Hamzah
3. Armjin Pane
4. Sanusi Pane

New Doctor magazine is a magazine that contains the problem - the problem of culture. Magazine was published in July 1933 until February 1942. At the time of pendudukna Japan, the magazine published it banned because it is considered like a westerner. New Doctor magazine published back in March 1948 until the year 1953. Who had become editor, among others:
1. Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana
2. Armjin Pane
3. Chairil
4. Asrul Sani
5. S. Rukiah
6. Dodong Djiwapraja
7. Harijadi S. Hartowardojo


'45 Class name given to the author - the author of works of literature that emerged in the 1940s. That year coincided with the Japanese colonial period and the time of Indonesian independence. The term '45 generation was first introduced by Rosihan Anwar. Rosihan Anwar memeperkenalkan term in an essay dimajalah Strategy dated January 9, 1949.
Author commonly classified '45 class are as follows:
1. Chairil
2. Asrul Sani
3. Rival Apin
4. Idrus
5. Pramoedya Ananta Toer
6. Usmar Ismail


'45 Force was given to the author - the author of works of literature that year was about 1945 - about six years old and the new People's masik School. So, in 1966 a new age of their 25-year, term introduced by the Force '66 HB, Jassin. H.B. Jassin memperkenalkanistilah in Horizon magazine (August 1966), Force '66; rise of One Generation ". According Jassin, Force '66 is the author of a viable writing in the magazine - a magazine of literature and culture around the year of 1955. They write literary works in the magazine story, strategy, Pulpit Indonesia, Culture, Indonesian Confrontation, Stories, Prose, Literature and others.
Authors who include Force '66 are as follows:
1. Ajip Rosidi
2. W. S. Rendra
3. Ananda Yusach
4. Bastari Asnin
5. Mansur Samin
6. A. A. Navis

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